Making people happy, one animal at a time

Howard: "I start by learning everything there is to know about the adopter’s way of life."

Howard: “I start by learning everything there is to know about the adopter’s way of life.”

By Kevin Christie

Skipping past cages and kennels with the widest grin on her face  Margaret Howard is finishing her shift of cleaning cages and washing animals. But taking care of animals is not what really makes her happy. 

Spending time with the animal makes her happy of course, but what she cares about the most is finding homes for the animals and making other people happy.

Howard works with people to find the right animal for them. She is one of the many volunteers at the adoption center in Dakin Humane Society and helps people pick out what animals they want.

“My work with adoption events is what I consider to be my real career highlight. “Says Howard “The best part about these occasions is that they bring prospective adopters to the shelter where they can meet the animals and find out more about the adoption procedure.”

 Howard works as a volunteer for the animal adoption center. She spends her days working with people and animals finding a match for them.

She regularly undergoes rigorous training sessions teaching her about animal behavior, handling methods, and safety procedures. They do this to make sure their volunteers know how to treat and care for the animals correctly. There are many animals that need to be adopted and it makes Ms. Howard happy to give animals to the right adopters.

She spends a lot of her days with animals giving them baths, cleaning their cages, and getting them ready to be adopted. She loves to change the lives of animals and people by bringing about an adoption that is right for both parties. 

“I take care to keep their living quarters neat and comfortable as a volunteer, giving them clean food and water bowls and fresh bedding.” Says Howard. “To keep them happy and active, I also make sure they have enough room to move around and play with toys.”

 Howard works with customers to find an animal that fits their needs. Recently she rescued a pitbull named Flour from off the streets and has been trying to find him a suitable adoptor. 

Flour is a large white 2 year old pitbull that loves belly rubs. She loves that dog and spends most of her day spending time taking care of him and trying to find someone that is the right fit to adopt such 

A customer comes in during one of the adoption events looking to find a big dog for his family. They have plenty of big dogs in the shelter from rottweilers, and pitbulls, all the way to huskies and german shepherds. So they have to find the right dog for him. Howard decides to help him and asks him a series of questions to find out what animal would be fit for the environment he lives in. They settled on this sweet and cuddly Pitbull that would be perfect for their family.

“I start by learning everything there is to know about the adopter’s way of life.” Howard says. “For instance, if they reside in a tiny apartment or have a sizable yard. You must guarantee that the animal will have enough room to move around and perform its duties.”

 Howard is 24 years old and began her volunteer work at Dakin a little over five years ago. She Spent her childhood taking care of her pets and regularly brought abandoned animals to shelters or helped them find good homes.

One day Howard was looking to find a job that allowed her to follow her passion of taking care and making people happy by giving them animals. Her friend Sam recommended she come to volunteer with him at Dakin Humane Society. 

Margret started volunteering there and loved the positive attitude that was potent in the environment. She immediately started to regularly volunteer there ever since and got to live her dream of making people happy.

“Margie is one of the most kind and caring people I know.” According to Sam, one of Margaret’s coworkers. “I have always respected her ever since we were kids. We have been volunteering here since I can remember.”

Howard spent the last 5 years of her life volunteering at Dakin trying to find the right match for many different animals. She has worked with many different animals and paired them with their ideal match. 

Howard has worked with a lot of pets like dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and  farm animals. It is fulfilling to meet the needs and personalities of each animal. She connected with a group of animal lovers and that made her experience at her job even better.

There have been many failures and adoptions that for whatever reason didn’t go through, but she learned from the experiences and strives to find a home for every animal that doesn’t have one and make her customers happy with their choices of animal.  

“A successful adoption relationship depends on finding the ideal match between the animal and the adopter.” Stated Howard “This process makes sure that the transition to their new home goes smoothly and that both the animal and adopter will have a satisfying and meaningful relationship, so trust me, it’s worth it.